In a conversation I had with a couple of friends over some beers, we
talked about how sometimes we find a beer and for a while we make it a "go
to beer." We all agreed with this. Which made me think about how sometimes
we find something we like and we tend to go back to it.
I found myself sometimes walking into a bottle shop and being
overwhelmed with the endless amount of craft beer they have so I choose to play
it safe. There is a huge variety of beer out there on the market now. As
I walk through aisle after aisle full of craft beer in different shapes,
colors, and sizes trying to find what to buy, I end up picking up a six of
something I had already tried multiple times. It's great beer but it's the same
old taste on your palate. I forget about what this whole thing was about. Exploring.
It's a great to buy a beer you have no knowledge of and you end up really
enjoying it. That first experience is kind of magical.